week 2 update

Last week, Lillie and I began formulating our final drafts of the storyline we want our project to follow. We came up with fully fleshed out characters, motivations, and plots, and we finalized the synopsis as well as the outline for each mini story and where they will be within the timeline of watching the stories. I drew out some sketches of the general style that our 2D-animated stories will occur in, and I started to become familiar with some animating softwares such as Pencil2D and TVAnimation. However, I found that my Wacom Intuos doesn’t make my workflow as seamless as I’d like it to be, so after some hours of attempting to draw and animate within these spaces, I ended up working on sketches just on paper, and I am going to make attempts to acquire an iPad and animate within the app ProCreate. Unfortunately my tablet may not be the best tool for our purposes, but I am excited to start working with other tools to see how this may increase my productivity and my familiarity with animating, as I am still quite new and finding my footing on many skills that will be utilized in our project this semester. Here are a couple of the sketches I did within the apps as well as on paper:

Meanwhile, Lillie began the process of creating a prototype for one of our stories, which will include a 3D space with suspended 2D comic panels around you in a 360 view. I sent over my sketches and this is what she built:


This week, we are going to create full storyboards, scripts, and concepts (how they will fit into the 3D VR sphere — are they interactive? are they in 2D? 3D? — for each story.

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